My Three Guide-words for 2021


Following 2020, I think it’s a universal agreement that no one is doing ‘resolutions’ for 2021, as expectations are low. I do however, have three words that I have coined to guide my year ahead. These three words sum up all of my goals and intentions for how I plan to move through this year.




Firstly, grow - personally and in the most literal sense of the word, grow (and cultivate) plants. I have lots of houseplants that I hope grow and thrive under my care this year. I also have big plans for my outdoor spaces, as this year will be my first full summer living in the country. We have lots of yard space, that means lots of room for gardening, as well as decorative planting as well.

My second guide word is create. I hope to continue to give myself the grace to play and explore when it comes to my art, and other creative passions. I recently took up sewing, and I also am interested in exploring painting as well. I’m most myself when I’m making something - so I intend to continue that practice.

My last word is move. This past year during the height of the pandemic I was living in a metropolitan area, where I was essentially bound inside with not many places to get out to be active. My physical constraints along with obvious mental ones resulted in a pretty sedentary year. This year, I need to move. I have set a goal for myself to walk at least 2,000 steps a day. Now, this may not sound like a lot, but going from probably around 200 or so steps a day for almost a year while in quarantine, 2,000 is a start. I have been keeping to this promise pretty well so far and I feel much better for it. I will walk during my lunch hour, and sometimes quickly after work before the sun goes down. It feels so good to get fresh air, and get my body moving. Sometimes I even get lucky and will catch some sun. I’ve also stumbled upon some horses that I will see sometimes on one of my routes. They are the prettiest things, and I’ve even been given permission to pet them. I have yet to do so, but I certainly look forward to it.

What are three words to describe your intentions for the year ahead?

Dj Steinmetz

DJ Steinmetz currently lives in Saint Paul, Minnesota with his husband Alex and their Sphynx cat Archibald.  He enjoys houseplants, traveling and landscape photography.  You can follow him on instagram @leafandlens_.

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